If you’re anything like me when you’re stuck at home long enough the pantry, fridge, and freezer are constantly calling your name. It’s almost as if these three evil forces are out to get us. We know we shouldn’t snack and overeat…but after being in isolation for so long food becomes one of our greatest sources of companionship. So, here’s a few tactics I employed to minimize my trips to the pantry. These are just my tips and tricks and what works for you may slightly vary from what has worked for me. Be patient with yourself and you’ll begin to form a game plan that works in your favor.

1) Limit the quantity of snack foods you’re buying.
It’s no secret most of us have been less active during this Stay at Home order. So, keep this in mind while grocery shopping. The less active we are the less calories we burn and in return the less calories we get away with consuming before the pounds start to pile on.
2) Buy a mixture of healthy snacks along with a few of your favorites.
For most of us snacking occasionally is going to happen. Be willing to venture out and try some alternative snacks. Research and look into more favorable snacks as far as nutrition and calories go.
3) Be conscious of the serving size and calories per serving.
I think we’ve all been guilty of totally ignoring the serving size on our favorite snacks and telling ourselves that the entire bag or pint (of Ben and Jerry’s) is worthy of 1 serving size to us. However, its important during this time to pay attention to the proper serving size and calorie count.
4) Eat filling meals daily.
The best way to limit snacking is eating filling meals. For me personally my biggest and most filling meal is dinner. I want this meal to fill me up and sustain me until my next meal the following day. The more nutritious and filling this meal is the better chance I have in avoiding late night snacking