Let's start by talking about what Spinal Stenosis is. Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spaces within your spine. This narrowing causes pain to travel throughout the spine. There's two different types of Stenosis. Lumbar Stenosis, where the pain will shoot down the lower part of the spine and into the legs. Cervical Stenosis, where the pain will be experienced towards the neck. Today we'll be focusing on Lumbar Stenosis.
The only way to confirm you have Spinal Stenosis is through an X-Ray. However, if you're experiencing any of the following symptoms you might just have Spinal Stenosis. (I always recommend a professional medical opinion when it comes to any diagnosis) Symptoms:
1) Numbness or tingling in a foot or leg
2) Weakness in a foot or leg
3) Pain or cramping in one or both legs when you stand for long periods of time or when you walk.
Now let's talk about how exercise can benefit those who are currently experiencing Spinal Stenosis.
Benefits of exercise:
- Helps to strengthen the muscles around the spine which will take pressure of the bones.
-Consistent exercise will also help maintain flexibility which will prevent tight muscles from pulling and torquing the spine.
The Hips, Core, and Glutes are all important areas of the body that we should focus our exercise attention towards. The stronger we get these areas to be, the more relief we'll begin to experience. Doing simple stretches will also go a long way. No matter what your current physical status is, there's something you can be implementing into your daily routine to help you experience the relief you deserve.
